Hanna Pilve Art


Get horrified and delighted

Experience Rovaniemi’s arctic ghosts and a unique haunted-walk in the forest, 10€/person or 1-2 adults + 1-3 children 25€.

The haunting of arctic ghosts is 400 meters long haunted-walk in the middle of the forest. Located in Sonka 35 kilometers from city centre of Rovaniemi.

Along the route you will find the inn of the dead, ghastly ghosts and a walkthrough haunted house. 

You may also have the opportunity to experience the northern lights with our ghosts, while enjoying some hot beverages in the warmth of the open fire.

You will have a change to explore the gallery of dark-arts, where you are able to purchase art and other souvenirs.

The Haunting Of Arctic Ghosts tour (approx. 3 hours), 89 €/person, includes:

*Return transfer from Rovaniemi city centre to haunted-walk, Sonka.
*Traveling time is approx. 40 mins one-way.
*Small groups tours. There are seats for 8 persons per tour.
*An informative story about the haunted-walk. 
*Opportunity to experience the northern lights. 
*Hot beverages on open fire. In a hut, if the weather is very cold.
*Some time to take photos and visit to gallery of dark-arts. 

Outdoor activity, warm clothing is recommended.

The haunted-walk is not suitable for children under the age of 12 unless in parental guidance.

What I Do

For her sculptures Hanna uses recycled material, as well as natural materials found in the forest, such as horns and skulls.


Authentic-looking sculptures are like characters from the underworld or monsters from some other places where the rays of light don’t reach. For her sculptures Hanna uses recycled material.

Aidon näköiset veistokset ovat kuin hahmoja Manalasta tai mörköjä joihin auringon valonsäteet eivät yllä. Hanna käyttää veistoksiinsa kierrätysmateriaalia.


Hanna deals with topics that have preoccupied humanity since time immemorial, such as the interface of the visible and the invisible world and man’s transition to the afterlife.

Teoksissaan Hanna käsittelee ihmiskuntaa jo ammoisista ajoista askarruttaneita aiheita, kuten näkyvän ja näkymättömän maailman rajapintaa ja ihmisen siirtymistä tuonpuoleiseen.


Possibility to buy art, ghosts and other handicrafts products from the gallery.

Hanna also paints on a variety of materials, including concrete tiles.

Mahdollisuus ostaa taidetta ja haamuja sekä muita kädentöitä paikanpäältä.

Hanna myös maalaa erilaisille materiaaleille, muun muassa betonilaatoille.


Haunted walk and gallery of darkness is an artgallery in Rovaniemi. The goal of the gallery is to introduce the audience to something new,different and even a little scary.

Kummituskävely ja Kauhun Galleria on taidegalleria Rovaniemellä. Gallerian tavoitteena on esitellä yleisölle jotain uutta, erilaista ja hieman pelottavaakin.

Hanna Pilve

Artist whose cottage yard is decorated with the Grim Reaper

Hanna Pilve (b. 1985) is a visual artist and a sculptor who wittily and with a sense of humor converses with the forces of darkness. She lives in Lapland, Northern Finland, in the land of polar night and midnight sun. As an artist, Hanna is self-taught and she has been drawing and painting for 30 years. In 2019, Hanna began…

My Works

Hanna’s grim and black humor -based art draws from the imagery of metal music.

Artist whose cottage yard is decorated with the Grim Reaper
Devilishly awesome art
Helvetin komeaa taidetta
Taiteilija, jonka mökin pihaa koristaa Kuolema
Haunted walk and gallery of darkness - Kauhun Galleria