Authentic-looking sculptures are like characters from the underworld or monsters from some other places where the rays of light don’t reach. For her sculptures Hanna uses recycled material.

Aidon näköiset veistokset ovat kuin hahmoja Manalasta tai mörköjä joihin auringon valonsäteet eivät yllä. Hanna käyttää veistoksiinsa kierrätysmateriaalia.
Hanna deals with topics that have preoccupied humanity since time immemorial, such as the interface of the visible and the invisible world and man’s transition to the afterlife.

Teoksissaan Hanna käsittelee ihmiskuntaa jo ammoisista ajoista askarruttaneita aiheita, kuten näkyvän ja näkymättömän maailman rajapintaa ja ihmisen siirtymistä tuonpuoleiseen.
Possibility to buy art, ghosts and other handicrafts products from the gallery.
Hanna also paints on a variety of materials, including concrete tiles.

Mahdollisuus ostaa taidetta ja haamuja sekä muita kädentöitä paikanpäältä. Hanna myös maalaa erilaisille materiaaleille, muun muassa betonilaatoille.
Haunted walk and gallery of darkness is an artgallery in Rovaniemi. The goal of the gallery is to introduce the audience to something new,different and even a little scary.

Haunted walk and gallery of darkness is an art gallery
Eventually, hooded figures began to appear around the gallery.
The family of ghosts has continued to grow and now they are already wandering all the way to the nearby forest. However, ghosts also occasionally have a sense of humor, and they spend moments in the Inn of the Dead and may even hang Christmas lights around Christmas time.
Ghosts are also very passionate about caring for chickens, though they may not know that the herd of demonic chickens also enjoy watching their hustle and bustle through their daily haunting activities.
Possibility to buy art, ghosts and other handicrafts from the gallery. Payment options: Cash, mobile pay, bank card.
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